opt / Betriebstellen

The following will document the functions, objects and methods associated with oPoint / Betriebsstellen API.

Note that oPoint is simply a adaptation for the Betriebsstellen name the is instead used by the Deutsche Bahn API.



get_oPoints_by_name(search_string: str, return_http_code=False) -> list or int

This function will return a list of oPoint objects matching a given string.


  • search_string: String to search

  • return_http_code [Optional]: False by default. Enabling this will return the HTTP status code if it's not 200, rather than returning an empty list.

a list of oPoint objects


def get_oPoint_by_ril100(ril100: str, return_http_code=False) -> list or int

This function will search for an operating station by ril100 code


  • ril100: ril100 code

  • return_http_code [Optional]: False by default. Enabling this will return the HTTP status code if it's not 200, rather than returning an empty list.

an oPoint object

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